New Masters Apron for Prescot RAM and another elevation
Thursday 12th March 2020, at the regular meeting of Prescot Royal Ark Mariner Lodge no 903. Another candidate was elevated into this wonderful colourful and friendly degree after the double elevation of father and son at the previous meeting.
WC James Weaver and the New Apron
Brother Fred Hulse a subscribing member of both Olympic Lodge and Temperance Mark Lodge. W. Commander James Weaver conducted the ceremony assisted by brethren of the Lodge . W. Bro david Richards explained the signs of the degree assisted by W. Bro. Michael Winterbottom who explained the working tools. The meeting was concluded with a friendly and lively festive board, at which bro Hulse expressed his appreciation and the warmth of the welcome and friendliness of the festive board.
The Candidate with David Fairclough and David Richards
Prior to the elevation W. Bro David Richards presented the lodge and the Worshipful Commander with a new Royal Ark Mariner Commanders apron which can be seen being worn for the first time by W.C. James Weaver, together with a Charity steward jewel being worn by W. Bro David Fairclough.
Words and pictures by Dave Richards